Displaying 841 – 860 of 2107

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Local ε 0 -characters in torsion rings

Seidai Yasuda (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let p be a rational prime and K a complete discrete valuation field with residue field k of positive characteristic p . When k is finite, generalizing the theory of Deligne [1], we construct in [10] and [11] a theory of local ε 0 -constants for representations, over a complete local ring with an algebraically closed residue field of characteristic p , of the Weil group W K of K . In this paper, we generalize the results in [10] and [11] to the case where k is an arbitrary perfect field.

Local-global compatibility for l = p , I

Thomas Barnet-Lamb, Toby Gee, David Geraghty, Richard Taylor (2012)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We prove the compatibility of the local and global Langlands correspondences at places dividing l for the l -adic Galois representations associated to regular algebraic conjugate self-dual cuspidal automorphic representations of GL n over an imaginary CM field, under the assumption that the automorphic representations have Iwahori-fixed vectors at places dividing l and have Shin-regular weight.

Locally analytic vectors of unitary principal series of  GL 2 ( p )

Ruochuan Liu, Bingyong Xie, Yuancao Zhang (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

The p -adic local Langlands correspondence for  GL 2 ( p ) attaches to any 2 -dimensional irreducible p -adic representation V of  G p an admissible unitary representation Π ( V ) of  GL 2 ( p ) . The unitary principal series of  GL 2 ( p ) are those Π ( V ) corresponding to trianguline representations. In this article, for  p > 2 , using the machinery of Colmez, we determine the space of locally analytic vectors Π ( V ) an for all non-exceptional unitary principal series Π ( V ) of  GL 2 ( p ) by proving a conjecture of Emerton.

M 2 -rank differences for partitions without repeated odd parts

Jeremy Lovejoy, Robert Osburn (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We prove formulas for the generating functions for M 2 -rank differences for partitions without repeated odd parts. These formulas are in terms of modular forms and generalized Lambert series.

Matrix coefficients, counting and primes for orbits of geometrically finite groups

Amir Mohammadi, Hee Oh (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let G : = SO ( n , 1 ) and Γ ( n - 1 ) / 2 for n = 2 , 3 and when δ > n - 2 for n 4 , we obtain an effective archimedean counting result for a discrete orbit of Γ in a homogeneous space H G where H is the trivial group, a symmetric subgroup or a horospherical subgroup. More precisely, we show that for any effectively well-rounded family { T H G } of compact subsets, there exists η > 0 such that # [ e ] Γ T = ( T ) + O ( ( T ) 1 - η ) for an explicit measure on H G which depends on Γ . We also apply the affine sieve and describe the distribution of almost primes on orbits of Γ in arithmetic settings....

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 2107