Displaying 721 – 740 of 1551

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New examples of modular rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds.

Matthias Schütt (2004)

Collectanea Mathematica

The aim of this article is to present five new examples of modular rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds by giving explicit correspondences to newforms of weight 4 and levels 10, 17, 21 and 73.

Non-existence of points rational over number fields on Shimura curves

Keisuke Arai (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

Jordan, Rotger and de Vera-Piquero proved that Shimura curves have no points rational over imaginary quadratic fields under a certain assumption. In this article, we extend their results to the case of number fields of higher degree. We also give counterexamples to the Hasse principle on Shimura curves.

Currently displaying 721 – 740 of 1551