Displaying 81 – 100 of 110

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Global regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylinder

Wojciech M. Zajączkowski (2006)

Banach Center Publications

The existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a cylinder Ω and with boundary slip conditions is proved. Assuming that the azimuthal derivative of cylindrical coordinates and azimuthal coordinate of the initial velocity and the external force are sufficiently small we prove long time existence of regular solutions such that the velocity belongs to W 5 / 2 2 , 1 ( Ω × ( 0 , T ) ) and the gradient of the pressure to L 5 / 2 ( Ω × ( 0 , T ) ) . We prove the existence of solutions without any restrictions on the lengths of the...

Global Schauder estimates for a class of degenerate Kolmogorov equations

Enrico Priola (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a class of possibly degenerate second order elliptic operators on ℝⁿ. This class includes hypoelliptic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type operators having an additional first order term with unbounded coefficients. We establish global Schauder estimates in Hölder spaces both for elliptic equations and for parabolic Cauchy problems involving . The Hölder spaces in question are defined with respect to a possibly non-Euclidean metric related to the operator . Schauder estimates are deduced by sharp...

Global solution to a generalized nonisothermal Ginzburg-Landau system

Nesrine Fterich (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

The article deals with a nonlinear generalized Ginzburg-Landau (Allen-Cahn) system of PDEs accounting for nonisothermal phase transition phenomena which was recently derived by A. Miranville and G. Schimperna: Nonisothermal phase separation based on a microforce balance, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B, 5 (2005), 753–768. The existence of solutions to a related Neumann-Robin problem is established in an N 3 -dimensional space setting. A fixed point procedure guarantees the existence of solutions...

Global solutions via partial information and the Cahn-Hilliard equation

Jan Cholewa, Tomasz Dłotko (1996)

Banach Center Publications

Global solutions of semilinear parabolic equations are studied in the case when some weak a priori estimate for solutions of the problem under consideration is already known. The focus is on the rapid growth of the nonlinear term for which existence of the semigroup and certain dynamic properties of the considered system can be justified. Examples including the famous Cahn-Hilliard equation are finally discussed.

Global solvability in the parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with singular sensitivity and logistic source

Xiangdong Zhao (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the chemotaxis system with singular sensitivity and logistic-type source: u t = Δ u - χ · ( u v / v ) + r u - μ u k , 0 = Δ v - v + u under the non-flux boundary conditions in a smooth bounded domain Ω n , χ , r , μ > 0 , k > 1 and n 1 . It is shown with k ( 1 , 2 ) that the system possesses a global generalized solution for n 2 which is bounded when χ > 0 is suitably small related to r > 0 and the initial datum is properly small, and a global bounded classical solution for n = 1 .

Global superconvergence of finite element methods for parabolic inverse problems

Hossein Azari, Shu Hua Zhang (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

In this article we transform a large class of parabolic inverse problems into a nonclassical parabolic equation whose coefficients consist of trace type functionals of the solution and its derivatives subject to some initial and boundary conditions. For this nonclassical problem, we study finite element methods and present an immediate analysis for global superconvergence for these problems, on basis of which we obtain a posteriori error estimators.

Global weak solutions for a degenerate parabolic system modelling a one-dimensional compressible miscible flow in porous media

Y. Amirat, A. Ziani (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We show the solvability of a nonlinear degenerate parabolic system of two equations describing the displacement of one compressible fluid by another, completely miscible with the first, in a one-dimensional porous medium, neglecting the molecular diffusion. We use the technique of renormalised solutions for parabolic equations in the derivation of a priori estimates for viscosity type solutions. We pass to the limit, as the molecular diffusion coefficient tends to 0, on the parabolic system, owing...

Global φ-attractor for a modified 3D Bénard system on channel-like domains

O.V. Kapustyan, A.V. Pankov (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

In this paper we prove the existence of a global φ-attractor in the weak topology of the natural phase space for the family of multi-valued processes generated by solutions of a nonautonomous modified 3D Bénard system in unbounded domains for which Poincaré inequality takes place.

Gradient descent and fast artificial time integration

Uri M. Ascher, Kees van den Doel, Hui Huang, Benar F. Svaiter (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The integration to steady state of many initial value ODEs and PDEs using the forward Euler method can alternatively be considered as gradient descent for an associated minimization problem. Greedy algorithms such as steepest descent for determining the step size are as slow to reach steady state as is forward Euler integration with the best uniform step size. But other, much faster methods using bolder step size selection exist. Various alternatives are investigated from both theoretical and practical...

Gradient estimates in parabolic problems with unbounded coefficients

M. Bertoldi, S. Fornaro (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We study, with purely analytic tools, existence, uniqueness and gradient estimates of the solutions to the Neumann problems associated with a second order elliptic operator with unbounded coefficients in spaces of continuous functions in an unbounded open set Ω in N .

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 110