Displaying 521 – 540 of 787

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Reduced resistive MHD in Tokamaks with general density

Bruno Després, Rémy Sart (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this paper is to derive a general model for reduced viscous and resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and to study its mathematical structure. The model is established for arbitrary density profiles in the poloidal section of the toroidal geometry of Tokamaks. The existence of global weak solutions, on the one hand, and the stability of the fundamental mode around initial data, on the other hand, are investigated.

Régularité du problème de Kelvin–Helmholtz pour l’équation d’Euler 2D

Gilles Lebeau (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Nous prouvons que pour toute solution u du problème de Kelvin–Helmholtz des nappes de tourbillons pour l’équation d’Euler bi-dimensionnelle, définie localement en temps, la courbe de saut de u et la densité de tourbillon sont analytiques (sous une hypothèse de régularité Holderienne de la courbe de saut). Nous donnons également un résultat de régularité partielle de la trace de u sur t = 0 lorsque u est définie sur un demi-interval [ O , T [ .

Régularité du problème de Kelvin–Helmholtz pour l'équation d'Euler 2d

Gilles Lebeau (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Nous prouvons que pour toute solution u du problème de Kelvin–Helmholtz des nappes de tourbillons pour l'équation d'Euler bi-dimensionnelle, définie localement en temps, la courbe de saut de u et la densité de tourbillon sont analytiques (sous une hypothèse de régularité Holderienne de la courbe de saut). Nous donnons également un résultat de régularité partielle de la trace de u sur t=0 lorsque u est définie sur un demi-interval [O,T[.

Regularity and Blow up for Active Scalars

A. Kiselev (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We review some recent results for a class of fluid mechanics equations called active scalars, with fractional dissipation. Our main examples are the surface quasi-geostrophic equation, the Burgers equation, and the Cordoba-Cordoba-Fontelos model. We discuss nonlocal maximum principle methods which allow to prove existence of global regular solutions for the critical dissipation. We also recall what is known about the possibility of finite time blow...

Regularity and uniqueness for the stationary large eddy simulation model

Agnieszka Świerczewska (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

In the note we are concerned with higher regularity and uniqueness of solutions to the stationary problem arising from the large eddy simulation of turbulent flows. The system of equations contains a nonlocal nonlinear term, which prevents straightforward application of a difference quotients method. The existence of weak solutions was shown in A. Świerczewska: Large eddy simulation. Existence of stationary solutions to the dynamical model, ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 85 (2005), 593–604 and P....

Relaxation of the incompressible porous media equation

László Székelyhidi Jr (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

It was shown recently by Córdoba, Faraco and Gancedo in [1] that the 2D porous media equation admits weak solutions with compact support in time. The proof, based on the convex integration framework developed for the incompressible Euler equations in [4], uses ideas from the theory of laminates, in particular T 4 configurations. In this note we calculate the explicit relaxation of IPM, thus avoiding T 4 configurations. We then use this to construct weak solutions to the unstable interface problem (the...

Remarks on regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations with axisymmetric data

Zujin Zhang (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations with non-zero swirl component. By invoking the Hardy-Sobolev interpolation inequality, Hardy inequality and the theory of * A β (1 < β < ∞) weights, we establish regularity criteria involving u r , ω z or ω θ in some weighted Lebesgue spaces. This improves many previous results.

Remarks on the a priori bound for the vorticity of the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations

Zujin Zhang, Chenxuan Tong (2022)

Applications of Mathematics

We study the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations. In 2010, Loftus-Zhang used a refined test function and re-scaling scheme, and showed that | ω r ( x , t ) | + | ω z ( r , t ) | C r 10 , 0 < r 1 2 . By employing the dimension reduction technique by Lei-Navas-Zhang, and analyzing ω r , ω z and ω θ / r on different hollow cylinders, we are able to improve it and obtain | ω r ( x , t ) | + | ω z ( r , t ) | C | ln r | r 17 / 2 , 0 < r 1 2 .

Remarks on the equatorial shallow water system

Chloé Mullaert (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This article recalls the results given by A. Dutrifoy, A. Majda and S. Schochet in [1] in which they prove an uniform estimate of the system as well as the convergence to a global solution of the long wave equations as the Froud number tends to zero. Then, we will prove the convergence with weaker hypothesis and show that the life span of the solutions tends to infinity as the Froud number tends to zero.

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 787