Résonances multiples en limite semi-classique
Dans cet exposé, on décrit un travail effectué sous la direction de J. Sjöstrand. On prouve des majorations et des minorations du nombre de résonances d’un opérateur de Schrödinger semi-classique dans des petits disques centrés en , une valeur critique de .
We give a necessary and sufficient criterion for a normal CP-map on a von Neumann algebra to admit a restriction to a maximal commutative subalgebra. We apply this result to give a far reaching generalization of Rebolledo's sufficient criterion for the Lindblad generator of a Markov semigroup on ℬ(G).
Le but de cet article est de formuler de façon géométrique l’idée maîtresse de Voros dans Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Sect. A 39, 211-238 (1983) : les solutions de l’équation de Schrödinger stationnaire à une dimension, à potentiel polynomial, sont codées exactement dans le domaine complexe par leurs développements BKW (développements formels, divergents, en puissances de la constante de Planck), d’une façon entièrement lisible dans la géométrie des périodes de la forme (=variable de position,...
We use the functorial properties of Rieffel’s pseudodifferential calculus to study families of operators associated to topological dynamical systems acted by a symplectic space. Information about the spectra and the essential spectra are extracted from the quasi-orbit structure of the dynamical system. The semi-classical behavior of the families of spectra is also studied.
The Euler−Poinsot rigid body motion is a standard mechanical system and it is a model for left-invariant Riemannian metrics on SO(3). In this article using the Serret−Andoyer variables we parameterize the solutions and compute the Jacobi fields in relation with the conjugate locus evaluation. Moreover, the metric can be restricted to a 2D-surface, and the conjugate points of this metric are evaluated using recent works on surfaces of revolution. Another related 2D-metric on S2 associated to the...
Ring-like quantum structures generalizing Boolean rings and having the property that the terms corresponding to the two normal forms of the symmetric difference in Boolean algebras coincide are investigated. Subclasses of these structures are algebraically characterized and related to quantum logic. In particular, a physical interpretation of the proposed model following Mackey's approach to axiomatic quantum mechanics is given.