Displaying 1921 – 1940 of 2107

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Weber's class invariants revisited

Reinhard Schertz (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let K be a quadratic imaginary number field of discriminant d . For t let 𝔒 t denote the order of conductor t in K and j ( 𝔒 t ) its modular invariant which is known to generate the ring class field modulo t over K . The coefficients of the minimal equation of j ( 𝔒 t ) being quite large Weber considered in [We] the functions f , f 1 , f 2 , γ 2 , γ 3 defined below and thereby obtained simpler generators of the ring class fields. Later on the singular values of these functions played a crucial role in Heegner’s solution [He] of the class...

Weight reduction for cohomological mod p modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields

Adam Mohamed (2014)

Publications mathématiques de Besançon

Let F be an imaginary quadratic field and 𝒪 its ring of integers. Let 𝔫 𝒪 be a non-zero ideal and let p > 5 be a rational inert prime in F and coprime with 𝔫 . Let V be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of 𝔽 ¯ p [ GL 2 ( 𝔽 p 2 ) ] . We establish that a system of Hecke eigenvalues appearing in the cohomology with coefficients in V already lives in the cohomology with coefficients in 𝔽 ¯ p d e t e for some e 0 ; except possibly in some few cases.

Whittaker and Bessel functors for G 𝕊 p 4

Sergey Lysenko (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The theory of Whittaker functors for G L n is an essential technical tools in Gaitsgory’s proof of the Vanishing Conjecture appearing in the geometric Langlands correspondence. We define Whittaker functors for G 𝕊 p 4 and study their properties. These functors correspond to the maximal parabolic subgroup of G 𝕊 p 4 , whose unipotent radical is not commutative.We also study similar functors corresponding to the Siegel parabolic subgroup of G 𝕊 p 4 , they are related with Bessel models for G 𝕊 p 4 and Waldspurger models for G L 2 .We...

Currently displaying 1921 – 1940 of 2107