Displaying 141 – 160 of 1536

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Almost-sure growth rate of generalized random Fibonacci sequences

Élise Janvresse, Benoît Rittaud, Thierry de la Rue (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the generalized random Fibonacci sequences defined by their first non-negative terms and for n≥1, Fn+2=λFn+1±Fn (linear case) and ̃Fn+2=|λ̃Fn+1±̃Fn| (non-linear case), where each ± sign is independent and either + with probability p or − with probability 1−p (0<p≤1). Our main result is that, when λ is of the form λk=2cos(π/k) for some integer k≥3, the exponential growth of Fn for 0<p≤1, and of ̃Fn for 1/k<p≤1, is almost surely positive and given by ∫0∞log x dνk, ρ(x),...

An application of metric diophantine approximation in hyperbolic space to quadratic forms.

Sanju L. Velani (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

For any real τ, a lim sup set WG,y(τ) of τ-(well)-approximable points is defined for discrete groups G acting on the Poincaré model of hyperbolic space. Here y is a 'distinguished point' on the sphere at infinity whose orbit under G corresponds to the rationals (which can be regarded as the orbit of the point at infinity under the modular group) in the classical theory of diophantine approximation.In this paper the Hausdorff dimension of the set WG,y(τ) is determined for geometrically finite groups...

An approximation property of quadratic irrationals

Takao Komatsu (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let α > 1 be irrational. Several authors studied the numbers m ( α ) = inf { | y | : y Λ m , y 0 } , where m is a positive integer and Λ m denotes the set of all real numbers of the form y = ϵ 0 α n + ϵ 1 α n - 1 + + ϵ n - 1 α + ϵ n with restricted integer coefficients | ϵ i | m . The value of 1 ( α ) was determined for many particular Pisot numbers and m ( α ) for the golden number. In this paper the value of  m ( α ) is determined for irrational numbers  α , satisfying α 2 = a α ± 1 with a positive integer a .

An exponential Diophantine equation related to the sum of powers of two consecutive k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A generalization of the well-known Fibonacci sequence F n 0 given by F₀ = 0, F₁ = 1 and F n + 2 = F n + 1 + F for all n ≥ 0 is the k-generalized Fibonacci sequence F ( k ) n - ( k - 2 ) whose first k terms are 0,..., 0, 1 and each term afterwards is the sum of the preceding k terms. For the Fibonacci sequence the formula F ² + F ² n + 1 ² = F 2 n + 1 holds for all n ≥ 0. In this paper, we show that there is no integer x ≥ 2 such that the sum of the xth powers of two consecutive k-generalized Fibonacci numbers is again a k-generalized Fibonacci number. This generalizes...

An extension of a theorem of Duffin and Schaeffer in Diophantine approximation

Faustin Adiceam (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Duffin and Schaeffer have generalized the classical theorem of Khintchine in metric Diophantine approximation in the case of any error function under the assumption that all the rational approximants are irreducible. This result is extended to the case where the numerators and the denominators of the rational approximants are related by a congruential constraint stronger than coprimality.

An extension of the Khinchin-Groshev theorem

Anish Ghosh, Robert Royals (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove a version of the Khinchin-Groshev theorem in Diophantine approximation for quadratic extensions of function fields in positive characteristic.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1536