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Modular deformations and space curve singularities.

Bernd Martin (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We investigate different concepts of modular deformations of germs of isolated singularities (infinitesimal, Artinian, formal). An obstruction calculus based on the graded Lie algebra structure of the tangent cohomology for modular dcformations is introduced. As the main result the characterisation of the maximal infinitesimally modular subgerm of the miniversal family as flattening stratum of the relative Tjurina module is extended from ICIS to space curve singularities.

Moduli of Germs of Legendrian Curves

António Araújo, Orlando Neto (2009)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We construct the generic component of the moduli space of the germs of Legendrian curves with generic plane projection topologically equivalent to a curve y n = x m .

Modulus of analytic classification for the generic unfolding of a codimension 1 resonant diffeomorphism or resonant saddle

Christiane Rousseau, Colin Christopher (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider germs of one-parameter generic families of resonant analytic diffeomorphims and we give a complete modulus of analytic classification by means of the unfolding of the Écalle modulus. We describe the parametric resurgence phenomenon. We apply this to give a complete modulus of orbital analytic classification for the unfolding of a generic resonant saddle of a 2-dimensional vector field by means of the unfolding of its holonomy map. Here again the modulus is an unfolding of the Martinet-Ramis...

Monodromy and topological classification of germs of holomorphic foliations

David Marín, Jean-François Mattei (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We give a complete topological classification of germs of holomorphic foliations in the plane under rather generic conditions. The key point is the introduction of a new topological invariant called monodromy representation. This monodromy contains all the relevant dynamical information, in particular the projective holonomy representations whose topological invariance was conjectured in the eighties by Cerveau and Sad and is proved here under mild hypotheses.

Monodromy of a family of hypersurfaces

Vincenzo Di Gennaro, Davide Franco (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let Y be an ( m + 1 ) -dimensional irreducible smooth complex projective variety embedded in a projective space. Let Z be a closed subscheme of Y , and δ be a positive integer such that Z , Y ( δ ) is generated by global sections. Fix an integer d δ + 1 , and assume the general divisor X | H 0 ( Y , Z , Y ( d ) ) | is smooth. Denote by H m ( X ; ) Z van the quotient of H m ( X ; ) by the cohomology of Y and also by the cycle classes of the irreducible components of dimension m of Z . In the present paper we prove that the monodromy representation on H m ( X ; ) Z van for the family of smooth...

Motivic-type invariants of blow-analytic equivalence

Satoshi Koike, Adam Parusiński (2003)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

To a given analytic function germ f : ( d , 0 ) ( , 0 ) , we associate zeta functions Z f , + , Z f , - [ [ T ] ] , defined analogously to the motivic zeta functions of Denef and Loeser. We show that our zeta functions are rational and that they are invariants of the blow-analytic equivalence in the sense of Kuo. Then we use them together with the Fukui invariant to classify the blow-analytic equivalence classes of Brieskorn polynomials of two variables. Except special series of singularities our method classifies as well the blow-analytic...

Multiplicity and the Łojasiewicz exponent

S. Spodzieja (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a formula for the multiplicity of a holomorphic mapping f : n Ω m , m > n, at an isolated zero, in terms of the degree of an analytic set at a point and the degree of a branched covering. We show that calculations of this multiplicity can be reduced to the case when m = n. We obtain an analogous result for the local Łojasiewicz exponent.

Multiplicity of polynomials on trajectories of polynomial vector fields in C 3

Andrei Gabrielov, Frédéric Jean, Jean-Jacques Risler (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Let ξ be a polynomial vector field on n with coefficients of degree d and P be a polynomial of degree p. We are interested in bounding the multiplicity of a zero of a restriction of P to a non-singular trajectory of ξ, when P does not vanish identically on this trajectory. Bounds doubly exponential in terms of n are already known ([9,5,10]). In this paper, we prove that, when n=3, there is a bound of the form p + 2 p ( p + d - 1 ) 2 . In Control Theory, such a bound can be used to give an estimate of the degree of nonholonomy...

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