Displaying 741 – 760 of 2227

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Global existence for a quasilinear wave equation outside of star-shaped domains

Hart F. Smith (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

This talk describes joint work with Chris Sogge and Markus Keel, in which we establish a global existence theorem for null-type quasilinear wave equations in three space dimensions, where we impose Dirichlet conditions on a smooth, compact star-shaped obstacle 𝒦 3 . The key tool, following Christodoulou [1], is to use the Penrose compactification of Minkowski space. In the case under consideration, this reduces matters to a local existence theorem for a singular obstacle problem. Full details will...

Global existence for coupled Klein-Gordon equations with different speeds

Pierre Germain (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Consider, in dimension 3, a system of coupled Klein-Gordon equations with different speeds, and an arbitrary quadratic nonlinearity. We show, for data which are small, smooth, and localized, that a global solution exists, and that it scatters. The proof relies on the space-time resonance approach; it turns out that the resonant structure of this equation has features which were not studied before, but which are generic in some sense.

Global existence for nonlinear system of wave equations in 3-D domains

Jianwei Yang (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We study the initial-boundary problem for a nonlinear system of wave equations with Hamilton structure under Dirichlet's condition. We use the local-in-time Strichartz estimates from [Burq et al., J. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (2008), 831-845], Morawetz-Pohožaev's identity derived in [Miao and Zhu, Nonlinear Anal. 67 (2007), 3136-3151], and an a priori estimate of the solutions restricted to the boundary to show the existence of global and unique solutions.

Global existence of solutions for the 1-D radiative and reactive viscous gas dynamics

Wen Zhang, Jianwen Zhang (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we prove the existence of a global solution to an initial-boundary value problem for 1-D flows of the viscous heat-conducting radiative and reactive gases. The key point here is that the growth exponent of heat conductivity is allowed to be any nonnegative constant; in particular, constant heat conductivity is allowed.

Global existence of strong solutions to the one-dimensional full model for phase transitions in thermoviscoelastic materials

Elisabetta Rocca, Riccarda Rossi (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

This paper is devoted to the analysis of a one-dimensional model for phase transition phenomena in thermoviscoelastic materials. The corresponding parabolic-hyperbolic PDE system features a strongly nonlinear internal energy balance equation, governing the evolution of the absolute temperature ϑ , an evolution equation for the phase change parameter χ , including constraints on the phase variable, and a hyperbolic stress-strain relation for the displacement variable 𝐮 . The main novelty of the model...

Global in time solvability of the initial boundary value problem for some nonlinear dissipative evolution equations

Yoshihiro Shibata (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The global in time solvability of the one-dimensional nonlinear equations of thermoelasticity, equations of viscoelasticity and nonlinear wave equations in several space dimensions with some boundary dissipation is discussed. The blow up of the solutions which might be possible even for small data is excluded by allowing for a certain dissipative mechanism.

Global in Time Stability of Steady Shocks in Nozzles

Jeffrey Rauch, Chunjing Xie, Zhouping Xin (2011/2012)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

We prove global dynamical stability of steady transonic shock solutions in divergent quasi-one-dimensional nozzles. One of the key improvements compared with previous results is that we assume neither the smallness of the slope of the nozzle nor the weakness of the shock strength. A key ingredient of the proof are the derivation a exponentially decaying energy estimates for a linearized problem.

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 2227