Displaying 1281 – 1300 of 2227

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On the local Cauchy problem for nonlinear hyperbolic functional differential equations

Tomasz Człapiński (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the local initial value problem for the hyperbolic partial functional differential equation of the first order (1) D z ( x , y ) = f ( x , y , z ( x , y ) , ( W z ) ( x , y ) , D y z ( x , y ) ) on E, (2) z(x,y) = ϕ(x,y) on [-τ₀,0]×[-b,b], where E is the Haar pyramid and τ₀ ∈ ℝ₊, b = (b₁,...,bₙ) ∈ ℝⁿ₊. Using the method of bicharacteristics and the method of successive approximations for a certain functional integral system we prove, under suitable assumptions, a theorem on the local existence of weak solutions of the problem (1),(2).

On the mixed problem for hyperbolic partial differential-functional equations of the first order

Tomasz Człapiński (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider the mixed problem for the hyperbolic partial differential-functional equation of the first order D x z ( x , y ) = f ( x , y , z ( x , y ) , D y z ( x , y ) ) , where z ( x , y ) [ - τ , 0 ] × [ 0 , h ] is a function defined by z ( x , y ) ( t , s ) = z ( x + t , y + s ) , ( t , s ) [ - τ , 0 ] × [ 0 , h ] . Using the method of bicharacteristics and the method of successive approximations for a certain integral-functional system we prove, under suitable assumptions, a theorem of the local existence of generalized solutions of this problem.

On the mixed problem for quasilinear partial functional differential equations with unbounded delay

Tomasz Człapiński (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the mixed problem for the quasilinear partial functional differential equation with unbounded delay D t z ( t , x ) = i = 1 n f i ( t , x , z ( t , x ) ) D x i z ( t , x ) + h ( t , x , z ( t , x ) ) , where z ( t , x ) X ̶ 0 is defined by z ( t , x ) ( τ , s ) = z ( t + τ , x + s ) , ( τ , s ) ( - , 0 ] × [ 0 , r ] , and the phase space X ̶ 0 satisfies suitable axioms. Using the method of bicharacteristics and the fixed-point method we prove a theorem on the local existence and uniqueness of Carathéodory solutions of the mixed problem.

On the modelling and management of traffic

Rinaldo M. Colombo, Paola Goatin, Massimiliano D. Rosini (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Several realistic situations in vehicular traffic that give rise to queues can be modeled through conservation laws with boundary and unilateral constraints on the flux. This paper provides a rigorous analytical framework for these descriptions, comprising stability with respect to the initial data, to the boundary inflow and to the constraint. We present a framework to rigorously state optimal management problems and prove the existence of the corresponding optimal controls. Specific cases are...

On the modelling and management of traffic

Rinaldo M. Colombo, Paola Goatin, Massimiliano D. Rosini (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Several realistic situations in vehicular traffic that give rise to queues can be modeled through conservation laws with boundary and unilateral constraints on the flux. This paper provides a rigorous analytical framework for these descriptions, comprising stability with respect to the initial data, to the boundary inflow and to the constraint. We present a framework to rigorously state optimal management problems and prove the existence of the corresponding optimal controls. Specific cases...

Currently displaying 1281 – 1300 of 2227