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Caracterización de la función de valor de los juegos estocásticos continuos.

M.ª Angeles Muruaga, Ricardo Vélez (1992)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Se establece una caracterización de la función de valor de los juegos estocásticos continuos, similar a la contenida en [2] y [3] para juegos matriciales y en [4] para juegos estocásticos discretos. Tras la formulación del problema se señalan algunas propiedades de la función de valor. Más adelante se prueba que tales propiedades son suficientes para identificar el funcional que asigna a cada juego su valor.

Characterization of σ-porosity via an infinite game

Martin Doležal (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be an arbitrary metric space and P be a porosity-like relation on X. We describe an infinite game which gives a characterization of σ-P-porous sets in X. This characterization can be applied to ordinary porosity above all but also to many other variants of porosity.

Coalitional fuzzy preferences

Milan Mareš (2002)


The paper deals with the concept of coalitional preferences in the group decision-making situations in which the agents and coalitions have only vague idea about the comparative acceptability of particular outcomes. The coalitional games with vague utilities (see, e. g., [6]) can serve for a good example when some types of the game solutions (e. g., the von Neumann– Morgenstern one) are to be extended to the fuzzy game case. In this paper, we consider the fuzzy analogies of coalitional preferences...

Coeur et nucléolus des jeux de recouvrement

Nicolas Preux, Fatiha Bendali, Jean Mailfert, Alain Quilliot (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A cooperative game is defined as a set of players and a cost function. The distribution of the whole cost between the players can be done using the core concept, that is the set of all undominated cost allocations which prevent players from grouping. In this paper we study a game whose cost function comes from the optimal solution of a linear integer covering problem. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the core to be nonempty and characterize its allocations using linear programming...

Colouring game and generalized colouring game on graphs with cut-vertices

Elżbieta Sidorowicz (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For k ≥ 2 we define a class of graphs 𝓗 ₖ = {G: every block of G has at most k vertices}. The class 𝓗 ₖ contains among other graphs forests, Husimi trees, line graphs of forests, cactus graphs. We consider the colouring game and the generalized colouring game on graphs from 𝓗 ₖ.

Combinatorics of Dyadic Intervals: Consistent Colourings

Anna Kamont, Paul F. X. Müller (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We study the problem of consistent and homogeneous colourings for increasing families of dyadic intervals. We determine when this problem can be solved and when it cannot.

Combinatorics of open covers (III): games, Cp (X)

Marion Scheepers (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Some of the covering properties of spaces as defined in Parts I and II are here characterized by games. These results, applied to function spaces C p ( X ) of countable tightness, give new characterizations of countable fan tightness and countable strong fan tightness. In particular, each of these properties is characterized by a Ramseyan theorem.

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