Vaccination strategies of population groups with distinct perceived probabilities of infection.
A distrust operator, describing a kind of agreement among a group of players, transforms any characteristic function game to another game. In this new game, a player from this group can legally access a coalition if and only if all players from the group do the same. A formula for the Shapley value of games obtained by applying distrust operators to one man-one vote majority voting games is given, and the cases in which such an "agreement" is profitable to its parties are discussed. We also prove...
Cet article met l'accent sur l'originalité de la démarche adoptée. Dans le domaine de l'étude des sports collectifs, avec comme exemple de référence le rugby à XV, on se place du point de vue formel en utilisant des outils issus de l'informatique théorique. Les techniques de spécification mises en oeuvre sont les automates qui proviennent de la théorie des graphes, et la notation classique BNF, combinée aux Expressions Régulières, vue comme un langage de spécification formelle. L'un des intérêts...
We apply a modification of the viscosity solution concept introduced in [8] to the Isaacs equation defined on the set attainable from a given set of initial conditions. We extend the notion of a lower strategy introduced by us in [17] to a more general setting to prove that the lower and upper values of a differential game are subsolutions (resp. supersolutions) in our sense to the upper (resp. lower) Isaacs equation of the differential game. Our basic restriction is that the variable duration time...