Concatenations with binary recurrent sequences.
A classic theorem of Pólya shows that the function is the “smallest” integral-valued entire transcendental function. A variant due to Gel’fond applies to entire functions taking integral values on a geometric progression of integers, and Bézivin has given a generalization of both results. We give a sharp formulation of Bézivin’s result together with a further generalization.
Ce travail est essentiellement consacré à la construction d’exemples effectifs de couples de nombres réels à constantes de Markov finies, tels que et soient -linéairement indépendants, et satisfaisant à la conjecture de Littlewood.
We introduce a general framework for studying continued fraction expansions for complex numbers, and establish some results on the convergence of the corresponding sequence of convergents. For continued fraction expansions with partial quotients in a discrete subring of ℂ an analogue of the classical Lagrange theorem, characterising quadratic surds as numbers with eventually periodic continued fraction expansions, is proved. Monotonicity and exponential growth are established for the absolute values...
The main purpose of this work is to present new families of transcendental continued fractions with bounded partial quotients. Our results are derived thanks to combinatorial transcendence criteria recently obtained by the first two authors in [3].