Displaying 41 – 60 of 72

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Diophantine equations with linear recurrences An overview of some recent progress

Umberto Zannier (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We shall discuss some known problems concerning the arithmetic of linear recurrent sequences. After recalling briefly some longstanding questions and solutions concerning zeros, we shall focus on recent progress on the so-called “quotient problem” (resp. " d -th root problem"), which in short asks whether the integrality of the values of the quotient (resp. d -th root) of two (resp. one) linear recurrences implies that this quotient (resp. d -th root) is itself a recurrence. We shall also relate such...

Diophantine inequalities with power sums

Amedeo Scremin (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The ring of power sums is formed by complex functions on of the form α ( n ) = b 1 c 1 n + b 2 c 2 n + ... + b h c h n , for some b i ¯ and c i . Let F ( x , y ) ¯ [ x , y ] be absolutely irreducible, monic and of degree at least 2 in y . We consider Diophantine inequalities of the form | F ( α ( n ) , y ) | < | F y ( α ( n ) , y ) | · | α ( n ) | - ε and show that all the solutions ( n , y ) × have y parametrized by some power sums in a finite set. As a consequence, we prove that the equation F ( α ( n ) , y ) = f ( n ) , with f [ x ] not constant, F monic in y and α not constant, has only finitely many solutions.

Discrepancy estimates for some linear generalized monomials

Roswitha Hofer, Olivier Ramaré (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

We consider sequences modulo one that are generated using a generalized polynomial over the real numbers. Such polynomials may also involve the integer part operation [·] additionally to addition and multiplication. A well studied example is the (nα) sequence defined by the monomial αx. Their most basic sister, ( [ n α ] β ) n 0 , is less investigated. So far only the uniform distribution modulo one of these sequences is resolved. Completely new, however, are the discrepancy results proved in this paper. We show...

Discrete planes, 2 -actions, Jacobi-Perron algorithm and substitutions

Pierre Arnoux, Valérie Berthé, Shunji Ito (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce two-dimensional substitutions generating two-dimensional sequences related to discrete approximations of irrational planes. These two-dimensional substitutions are produced by the classical Jacobi-Perron continued fraction algorithm, by the way of induction of a 2 -action by rotations on the circle. This gives a new geometric interpretation of the Jacobi-Perron algorithm, as a map operating on the parameter space of 2 -actions by rotations.

Distances dans la suite des multiples d'un point du tore à deux dimensions

Nicolas Chevallier (1996)

Acta Arithmetica

Introduction. Soit θ un élément de ¹=ℝ/ℤ. Considérons la suite des multiples de θ, x = ( n θ ) n . Pour tout n ∈ ℕ, ordonnons les n+1 premiers termes de cette suite, 0 = y₀ ≤ y₁ ≤...≤ yₙ ≤ 1 = pθ, p=0,...,n. La suite (y₀,...,yₙ) découpe l’intervalle [0,1] en n+1 intervalles qui ont au plus trois longueurs distinctes, la plus grande de ces longueurs étant la somme des deux autres. Cette propriété a été conjecturé par Steinhaus, elle est étroitement liée au développement en fraction continue de θ. On peut aussi...

Distribution des points de petite hauteur dans les groupes multiplicatifs

Francesco Amoroso, Sinnou David (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove a new lower bound for the height of points on a subvariety  V of a multiplicative torus, which lie outside the union of torsion subvarieties of  V . Although lower bounds for the heights of these points where already known (decreasing multi-exponential function of the degree for Scmhidt and Bombieri–Zannier, [Sch], [Bo-Za], and inverse monomial in the degree by the second author of this note and P. Philippon, [Da-Phi]), our method provesup to an ε the sharpest conjectures that can be formulated....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 72