Displaying 1601 – 1620 of 2227

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Scalar differential invariants of symplectic Monge-Ampère equations

Alessandro Paris, Alexandre Vinogradov (2011)

Open Mathematics

All second order scalar differential invariants of symplectic hyperbolic and elliptic Monge-Ampère equations with respect to symplectomorphisms are explicitly computed. In particular, it is shown that the number of independent second order invariants is equal to 7, in sharp contrast with general Monge-Ampère equations for which this number is equal to 2. We also introduce a series of invariant differential forms and vector fields which allow us to construct numerous scalar differential invariants...

Scattering on stratified media: the microlocal properties of the scattering matrix and recovering asymptotics of perturbations

Tanya Christiansen, M. S. Joshi (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The scattering matrix is defined on a perturbed stratified medium. For a class of perturbations, its main part at fixed energy is a Fourier integral operator on the sphere at infinity. Proving this is facilitated by developing a refined limiting absorption principle. The symbol of the scattering matrix determines the asymptotics of a large class of perturbations.

Scattering theory for a nonlinear system of wave equations with critical growth

Changxing Miao, Youbin Zhu (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider scattering properties of the critical nonlinear system of wave equations with Hamilton structure ⎧uₜₜ - Δu = -F₁(|u|²,|v|²)u, ⎨ ⎩vₜₜ - Δv = -F₂(|u|²,|v|²)v, for which there exists a function F(λ,μ) such that ∂F(λ,μ)/∂λ = F₁(λ,μ), ∂F(λ,μ)/∂μ = F₂(λ,μ). By using the energy-conservation law over the exterior of a truncated forward light cone and a dilation identity, we get a decay estimate for the potential...

Second-order MUSCL schemes based on Dual Mesh Gradient Reconstruction (DMGR)

Christophe Berthon, Yves Coudière, Vivien Desveaux (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We discuss new MUSCL reconstructions to approximate the solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservations laws on 2D unstructured meshes. To address such an issue, we write two MUSCL schemes on two overlapping meshes. A gradient reconstruction procedure is next defined by involving both approximations coming from each MUSCL scheme. This process increases the number of numerical unknowns, but it allows to reconstruct very accurate gradients. Moreover a particular attention is paid on the limitation...

Selfsimilar profiles in large time asymptotics of solutions to damped wave equations

Grzegorz Karch (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Large time behavior of solutions to the generalized damped wave equation u t t + A u t + ν B u + F ( x , t , u , u t , u ) = 0 for ( x , t ) n × [ 0 , ) is studied. First, we consider the linear nonhomogeneous equation, i.e. with F = F(x,t) independent of u. We impose conditions on the operators A and B, on F, as well as on the initial data which lead to the selfsimilar large time asymptotics of solutions. Next, this abstract result is applied to the equation where A u t = u t , B u = - Δ u , and the nonlinear term is either | u t | q - 1 u t or | u | α - 1 u . In this case, the asymptotic profile of solutions is given...

Self-similar solutions and Besov spaces for semi-linear Schrödinger and wave equations

Fabrice Planchon (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We prove that the initial value problem for the semi-linear Schrödinger and wave equations is well-posed in the Besov space B ˙ 2 n 2 - 2 p , ( 𝐑 n ) , when the nonlinearity is of type u p , for p 𝐍 . This allows us to obtain self-similar solutions, as well as to recover previously known results for the solutions under weaker smallness assumptions on the data.

Semiclassical resolvent estimates at trapped sets

Kiril Datchev, András Vasy (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We extend our recent results on propagation of semiclassical resolvent estimates through trapped sets when a priori polynomial resolvent bounds hold. Previously we obtained non-trapping estimates in trapping situations when the resolvent was sandwiched between cutoffs χ microlocally supported away from the trapping: χ R h ( E + i 0 ) χ = 𝒪 ( h - 1 ) , a microlocal version of a result of Burq and Cardoso-Vodev. We now allow one of the two cutoffs, χ ˜ , to be supported at the trapped set, giving χ R h ( E + i 0 ) χ ˜ = 𝒪 ( a ( h ) h - 1 ) when the a priori bound is χ ˜ R h ( E + i 0 ) χ ˜ = 𝒪 ( a ( h ) h - 1 ) .

Semilinear hyperbolic functional equations

László Simon (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We consider second order semilinear hyperbolic functional differential equations where the lower order terms contain functional dependence on the unknown function. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for t ∈ (0,T), existence for t ∈ (0,∞) and some qualitative properties of the solutions in (0,∞) are shown.

Currently displaying 1601 – 1620 of 2227