Remarks on the smoothness of the solutions of the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations.
Nous démontrons dans cet article que le système MHD tridimensionnel à densité et viscosité variables est localement bien posé lorsque pour et la densité initiale est proche d’une constante strictement positive. Nous démontrons également un résultat d’existence et d’unicité dans l’espace de Sobolev pour sans aucune condition de petitesse sur la densité.
La compréhension du passage des équations de la mécanique des fluides compressibles aux équations incompressibles a fait de grands progrès ces vingt dernières années. L’objectif de cet exposé est de présenter l’évolution des méthodes mathématiques mises en œuvre pour étudier ce passage à la limite, depuis les travaux de S. Klainerman et A. Majda dans les années quatre–vingts, jusqu’à ceux récents de G. Métivier et S. Schochet (pour les équations non isentropiques). Suivant les conditions initiales...
We discuss recent results on the inviscid limits for the randomly forced 2D Navier-Stokes equation under periodic boundary conditions, their relevance for the theory of stationary space periodic 2D turbulence and some related conjectures.
An abstract framework for constructing stable decompositions of the spaces corresponding to general symmetric positive definite problems into “local” subspaces and a global “coarse” space is developed. Particular applications of this abstract framework include practically important problems in porous media applications such as: the scalar elliptic (pressure) equation and the stream function formulation of its mixed form, Stokes’ and Brinkman’s equations. The constant in the corresponding abstract...
An abstract framework for constructing stable decompositions of the spaces corresponding to general symmetric positive definite problems into “local” subspaces and a global “coarse” space is developed. Particular applications of this abstract framework include practically important problems in porous media applications such as: the scalar elliptic (pressure) equation and the stream function formulation of its mixed form, Stokes’ and Brinkman’s equations....
In this paper sufficient optimality conditions are established for optimal control of both steady-state and instationary Navier-Stokes equations. The second-order condition requires coercivity of the Lagrange function on a suitable subspace together with first-order necessary conditions. It ensures local optimality of a reference function in a -neighborhood, whereby the underlying analysis allows to use weaker norms than .
In this paper sufficient optimality conditions are established for optimal control of both steady-state and instationary Navier-Stokes equations. The second-order condition requires coercivity of the Lagrange function on a suitable subspace together with first-order necessary conditions. It ensures local optimality of a reference function in a Ls-neighborhood, whereby the underlying analysis allows to use weaker norms than L∞.
We consider regular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation and provide an extension to the Escauriaza-Seregin-Sverak blow-up criterion in the negative regularity Besov scale, with regularity arbitrarly close to . Our results rely on turning a priori bounds for the solution in negative Besov spaces into bounds in the positive regularity scale.
The most important result stated in this paper is a theorem on the existence of global solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations in Rn when the initial velocity belongs to the space weak Ln(Rn) with a sufficiently small norm. Furthermore, this fact leads us to obtain self-similar solutions if the initial velocity is, besides, an homogeneous function of degree -1. Partial uniqueness is also discussed.
We consider the Cauchy problem for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, and provide an optimal regularity criterion in terms of and , which are the third components of the velocity and vorticity, respectively. This gives an affirmative answer to an open problem in the paper by P. Penel, M. Pokorný (2004).