Displaying similar documents to “ A simple necessary and sufficient condition for well-posedness of 2 × 2 differential systems with time-dependent coefficients”

Bounded Solutions for Some Dirichlet Problems with L 1 ( Ω ) Data

Tommaso Leonori (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we prove the existence of a solution for a problem whose model is: { - Δ u + u σ - | u | = γ | u | 2 + f ( x ) in  Ω u = 0 on  Ω with f ( x ) in L 1 ( Ω ) and σ , γ > 0 .

Threefolds with Kodaira Dimension 0 or 3

Ezio Stagnaro (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Using the theory of adjoints and pluricanonical adjoints, we construct three nonsingular threefolds, as desingularizations of degree six hypersurfaces in 4 , having the irregularities q 1 = q 2 = 0 and the following periodical sequences of plurigenera respectively ( p g , P 2 , P 3 , , P m , ) = ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , ) , ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , ) , ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , ) . In the Appendix, starting from the second above-mentioned example, we construct a threefold of general type with q q 1 = q 2 = 0 , p g = 1 , P 2 = 2 whose m-canonical transformation is birational if and only if m 11 .

An Elliptic Problem with a Lower Order Term Having Singular Behaviour

Daniela Giachetti, François Murat (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We prove the existence of distributional solutions to an elliptic problem with a lower order term which depends on the solution u in a singular way and on its gradient D u with quadratic growth. The prototype of the problem under consideration is { - Δ u + λ u = ± | D u | 2 | u | k + f in Ω , u = 0 on Ω , where λ > 0 , k > 0 ; f ( x ) L ( Ω ) , f ( x ) 0 (and so u 0 ). If 0 < k < 1 , we prove the existence of a solution for both the "+" and the "-" signs, while if k 1 , we prove the existence of a solution for the "+" sign only.

On the Dirichlet Problem with Orlicz Boundary Data

Gabriella Zecca (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let us consider a Young's function Φ : + + satisfying the Δ 2 condition together with its complementary function Ψ , and let us consider the Dirichlet problem for a second order elliptic operator in divergence form: { L u = 0 in  B u | B = f B the unit ball of n . In this paper we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the L ϕ -solvability of the problem, where L ϕ is the Orlicz Space generated by the function Φ . This means solvability for f L Φ in the sense of [5], [8], where the case Φ ( t ) = t p is treated. ...

A Note on the Ground State Solutions for the Nonlinear Schrödinger-Maxwell Equations

A. Azzollini, A. Pomponio (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we study the nonlinear Schrödinger-Maxwell equations { - Δ u + V ( x ) u + ϕ u = | u | p - 1 u in 3 , - Δ ϕ = u 2 in 3 . If V is a positive constant, we prove the existence of a ground state solution ( u , ϕ ) for 2 < p < 5 . The non-constant potential case is treated for 3 < p < 5 , and V possibly unbounded below.

Groups Generated by (near) Mutually Engel Periodic Pairs

Piotr Słanina, Witold Tomaszewski (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We use notations: [ x , y ] = [ x , 1 y ] and [ x , k + 1 y ] e [ [ x , k y ] , y ] . We consider groups generated by x , y satisfying relations x = [ x , n y ] , y = [ y , n x ] or [ x , y ] = [ x , n y ] , [ y , x ] = [ y , n x ] . We call groups of the first type mep-groups and of the second type nmep-groups. We show many properties and examples of mep- and nmep-groups. We prove that if p is a prime then the group S l 2 ( p ) is a nmep-group. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for metacyclic group to be a nmep-group and we show that nmep-groups with presentation x , y [ x , y ] = [ x , 2 y ] , [ y , x ] = [ y , 2 x ] , x n , y m are finite.

Three Dimensional Vortices in the Nonlinear Wave Equation

Marino Badiale, Vieri Benci, Sergio Rolando (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We prove the existence of rotating solitary waves (vortices) for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with nonnegative potential, by finding nonnegative cylindrical solutions to the standing equation - Δ u + μ | y | 2 u + λ u = g ( u ) , u H 1 ( N ) , N u 2 | y | 2 𝑑 x < , where x = ( y , z ) k × N - k , N > k 2 , μ > 0 and λ 0 . The nonnegativity of the potential makes the equation suitable for physical models and guarantees the wellposedness of the corresponding Cauchy problem, but it prevents the use of standard arguments in providing the functional associated to ( ) with bounded Palais-Smale...

Asymptotics for Eigenvalues of a Non-Linear Integral System

D.E. Edmunds, J. Lang (2008)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let I = [ a , b ] , let 1 < q , p < , let u and v be positive functions with u L p ( I ) e v L q ( I ) and let T : L p ( I ) L q ( I ) be the Hardy-type operator given by ( T f ) ( x ) = v ( x ) a x f ( t ) u ( t ) d t , x I . We show that the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues λ of the non-linear integral system g ( x ) = ( T F ) ( x ) ( f ( x ) ) ( p ) = λ ( T * g ( p ) ) ) ( x ) (where, for example, t ( p ) = | t | p - 1 sgn ( t ) is given by lim n n λ ^ n ( T ) = c p , q I ( u v ) r ) 1 / r d t 1 / r , for 1 < p < q < lim n n λ ˇ n ( T ) = c p , q I ( u v ) r d t 1 / r for 1 < q < p < Here r = 1 p + 1 p , c p , q is an explicit constant depending only on p and q , λ ^ ( T ) = max ( s p n ( T , p , q ) ) , λ ˇ n ( T ) = min ( s p n ( T , p , q ) ) where s p n ( T , p , q ) stands for the set of all eigenvalues λ corresponding to eigenfunctions g with n zeros.

Quasiharmonic Fields: a Higher Integrability Result

Patrizia Di Gironimo (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we study the degree of integrability of quasiharmonic fields. These fields are connected with the study of the equation div ( A ( x ) u ( x ) ) = 0 , where the symmetric matrix A ( x ) satisfies the condition | ξ | 2 + | A ( x ) ξ | 2 K ( x ) A ( x ) ξ , ξ .The nonnegative function K ( x ) belongs to the exponential class, i.e. exp ( β K ( x ) ) is integrable for some β > 0 . We prove that the gradient of a local solution of the equation belongs to the Zygmund spaces L loc 2 log α - 1 L , 0 < α = α ( β ) . Moreover we show exactly how the degree of improved regularity depends on β .

Correctors for Parabolic Equations in a Heterogeneous Fibered Medium

Mourad Sfaxi, Ali Sili (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We study the problem of correctors in the framework of the homogenization of linear parabolic equations posed in a heterogeneous medium Ω made of two materials. The first one is located in a set F ϵ of cylindrical parallel fibers periodically distributed with a period of size ϵ , and the second one is located in the "matrix" M ϵ = Ω F ϵ . The ratio between the conductivity coefficients of the two materials is of order 1 / ϵ 2 . After writing the homogenized problem, we give a corrector result and prove...

Isomorphisms of Royden Type Algebras Over 𝕊 1

Teresa Radice, Eero Saksman, Gabriella Zecca (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let 𝕊 1 and 𝔻 be the unit circle and the unit disc in the plane and let us denote by 𝒜 ( 𝕊 1 ) the algebra of the complex-valued continuous functions on 𝕊 1 which are traces of functions in the Sobolev class W 1 , 2 ( 𝔻 ) . On 𝒜 ( 𝕊 1 ) we define the following norm u = u L ( 𝕊 1 ) + ( 𝔻 | u ~ | 2 ) 1 / 2 where is the harmonic extension of u to 𝔻 . We prove that every isomorphism of the functional algebra 𝒜 ( 𝕊 1 ) is a quasitsymmetric change of variables on 𝕊 1 .

The Schreier Property and Gauss' Lemma

Daniel D. Anderson, Muhammad Zafrullah (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let D be an integral domain with quotient field D . Recall that D is Schreier if D is integrally closed and for all x , y , z D { 0 } , x | y z implies that x = r s where r | y e s | z . A GCD domain is Schreier. We show that an integral domain D is a GCD domain if and only if (i) for each pair a , b D { 0 } , there is a finitely generated ideal B such that a D b D = B v and (ii) every quadratic in D [ X ] that is a product of two linear polynomials in K [ X ] is a product of two linear polynomials in D [ X ] . We also show that D is Schreier if and only if every...

A New L 1 -Lower Semicontinuity Result

Daniele Graziani (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The aim of this work is to prove a chain rule and an L 1 -lower semicontinuity theorems for integral functional defined on B V ( Ω ) . Moreover we apply this result in order to obtain new relaxation and Γ -convergence result without any coerciveness and any continuity assumption of the integrand f ( x , s , p ) with respect to the variable s .

Degenerate Elliptic Equations and Morrey Spaces

Francesco Borrello (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we study local regularity for the generalized solution to the Dirichlet problem related to the equation L u X i * ( a i j X j u ) = f . where X 1 , X 2 , , X m are vector fields satisfying Hörmander condition and a i j L . We give a representation formula for the generalized solution in terms of the Green function and thanks to suitable estimates we achieve our goal. In the case f 0 we are able to give necessary condition too.

Relaxation and gamma-convergence of supremal functionals

Francesca Prinari (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We prove that the Γ -limit in L μ of a sequence of supremal functionals of the form F k ( u ) = μ - ess sup Ω f k ( x , u ) is itself a supremal functional. We show by a counterexample that, in general, the function which represents the Γ -lim F ( , B ) of a sequence of functionals F k ( u , B ) = μ - ess sup B f k ( x , u ) can depend on the set B and wegive a necessary and sufficient condition to represent F in the supremal form F ( u , B ) = μ - ess sup B f ( x , u ) . As a corollary, if f represents a supremal functional, then the level convex envelope of f represents its weak* lower semicontinuous envelope. ...

The Martingale Problem in Hilbert Spaces

Giuseppe Da Prato, Luciano Tubaro (2008)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We consider an SPDE in a Hilbert space H of the form d X ( t ) = ( A X ( t ) + b ( X ( t ) ) ) d t + σ ( X ( t ) ) d W ( t ) , X ( 0 ) = x H and the corresponding transition semigroup P t f ( x ) = 𝔼 [ f ( X ( t , x ) ) ] . We define the infinitesimal generator L ¯ of P t through the Laplace transform of P t as in [1]. Then we consider the differential operator L φ = 1 2 Tr [ σ ( x ) σ * ( x ) D 2 φ ] + b ( x ) , D φ defined on a suitable set V of regular functions. Our main result is that if V is a core for L ¯ , then there exists a unique solution of the martingale problem defined in terms of L . Application to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation and to some regular...

Conductor and separating degrees for sets of points in r and in 1 × 1

Lucia Marino (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We attempt to generalize conductor degree's results, known in 2 , to the case of 0-dimensional schemes of r . In the first part of this paper, we consider the problem of characterizing the sequences generators's degrees of the conductor which are compatible with a fixed postulation (or Hilbert function) for a set of points in r and we determine the conductor degree of every point in a r -partial intersection. In addition, we define the separating degree of a point for a 0-dimensional subscheme...

Eisenstein ideal and reducible λ -adic Representations Unramified Outside a Finite Number of Primes.

Miriam Ciavarella (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The object of this note is to study certain 2-dimensional λ -adic representations of Gal ( Q ¯ / Q ) ; fixed p 1 , , p n distinct primes, we will consider representations ρ : G G L 2 ( A ) , given by the matrix ρ = ( a b c d ) which are unramified outside p 1 , , p n , and the residue characteristic of λ , which are a product of m representations over finite extensions of the ring of Witt vectors of the residue field and which are reducible modulo λ . In analogy with the theory of the modular representations, we will introduce the analogue of Mazur's Hecke...

Cohomology of Tango bundle on 5

Daniele Faenzi (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The Tango bundle T is defined as the pull-back of the Cayley bundle over a smooth quadric Q 5 in 6 via a map f existing only in characteristic 2 and factorizing the Frobenius φ . The cohomology of T is computed in terms of S C , φ * ( C ) , Sym 2 ( C ) and C , which we handle with Borel-Bott-Weil theorem.

On the projective genus of surfaces

Pietro Sabatino (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let X N be a smooth irreducible non degenerate surface over the complex numbers, N 4 . We define the projective genus of X , denoted by P G ( X ) , as the geometric genus of the singular curve of the projection of X from a general linear subspace of codimension four. Denote by g ( X ) the sectional genus of X . In this paper we conjecture that the only surfaces for which P G ( X ) = g ( X ) - 1 are the del Pezzo surface in 4 , in 5 and a conic bundle of degree 5 in 4 . We prove that for N 5 if P G ( X ) = g ( X ) - 1 + λ , λ a non negative integer, then g ( X ) λ + 1 + α where...

A New Proof of the Boundedness of Maximal Operators on Variable Lebesgue Spaces

D. Cruz-Uribe, L. Diening, A. Fiorenza (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We give a new proof using the classic Calderón-Zygmund decomposition that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on the variable Lebesgue space L p ( ) whenever the exponent function p ( ) satisfies log-Hölder continuity conditions. We include the case where p ( ) assumes the value infinity. The same proof also shows that the fractional maximal operator M a , 0 < a < n , maps L p ( ) into L q ( ) , where 1 / p ( ) - 1 / q ( ) = a / n .

A Montel Type Result for Subharmonic Functions

R. Supper (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


This article is devoted to sequences ( u n ) n of subharmonic functions in N , with finite order, whose means J u n ( r ) (over spheres centered at the origin, with radius r) satisfy such a condition as: r > 0 , A r > 0 such that J u n ( r ) A r , n 𝐍 . The paper investigates under which conditions one may extract a pointwise or uniformly convergent subsequence.

A Note on Calculation of Asymptotic Energy for a Functional of Ginzburg-Landau Type with Externally Imposed Lower-Order Oscillatory Term in One Dimension

Andrija Raguž (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this note we consider the Ginzburg-Landau functional I a ϵ ( v ) = 0 1 ( ϵ 2 v ′′ 2 ( s ) + W ( v ( s ) ) + a ( ϵ - β s ( v 2 ( s ) ) d s where β > 0 and a is 1-periodic. We determine how (rescaled) minimal asymptotic energy associated to I a ϵ depends on parameter β > 0 as ϵ ø 0 . In particular, our analysis shows that minimizers of I a ϵ are nearly ϵ 1 / 3 -periodic.

Congruences between modular forms and related modules

Miriam Ciavarella (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We fix a prime and let M be an integer such that M ; let f S 2 ( Γ 1 ( M 2 ) ) be a newform supercuspidal of fixed type at and special at a finite set of primes. For an indefinite quaternion algebra over Q , of discriminant dividing the level of f , there is a local quaternionic Hecke algebra T associated to f . The algebra T acts on a module M f coming from the cohomology of a Shimura curve. Applying the Taylor-Wiles criterion and a recent Savitt's theorem, T is the universal deformation ring of a global...

The Complete Monotonicity of a Function Studied by Miller and Moskowitz

Horst Alzer (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let S ( x ) = l o g ( 1 + x ) + 0 1 [ 1 - ( 1 + t 2 ) x ] d t log t and F ( x ) = log 2 - S ( x ) ( 0 < x ) . We prove that F is completely monotonic on ( 0 , ) . This complements a result of Miller and Moskowitz (2006), who proved that F is positive and strictly decreasing on ( 0 , ) . The sequence { S ( k ) } ( k = 1 , 2 , ) plays a role in information theory.

Some Remarks on Prym-Tyurin Varieties

Giuliano Parigi (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The aims of the present paper can be described as follows: a) In [2] Beauville showed that if some endomorphism u a Jacobian J ( C ) has connected kernel, the principal polarization on J ( C ) induces a multiple of the principal polarization on the image of u . We reformulate and complete this theorem proving "constructively" the following: Theorem. Let Z J ( C ) be an abelian subvariety and Y its complementary variety. Z is a Prym-Tyurin variety with respect to J ( C ) if and only if the following sequence...

A Result About C 2 -Rectifiability of One-Dimensional Rectifiable Sets. Application to a Class of One-Dimensional Integral Currents

Silvano Delladio (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let γ , τ : [ a , b ] R k + 1 be a couple of Lipschitz maps such that γ = ± | γ | τ almost everywhere in [ a , b ] . Then γ ( [ a , b ] ) is a C 2 -rectifiable set, namely it may be covered by countably many curves of class C 2 embedded in R k + 1 . As a conseguence, projecting the rectifiable carrier of a one-dimensional generalized Gauss graph provides a C 2 -rectifiable set.

Sufficient Conditions for Integrability of Distortion Function Kf 1

Costantino Capozzoli (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Assume that Ω , Ω are planar domains and f : Ω onto Ω is a homeomorphism belonging to Sobolev space W loc 1 , 1 ( Ω ; 2 ) with finite distortion. We prove that if the distortion function K f of f satisfies the condition dist EXP ( K f , L ) < 1 , then the distortion function K f - 1 of f - 1 belongs to L loc 1 ( Ω ) . We show that this result is sharp in sense that the conclusion fails if dist EXP ( K f , L ) = 1 . Moreover, we prove that if the distortion function K f satisfies the condition dist EXP ( K f , L ) = λ for some λ > 0 , then K f - 1 belongs to L loc p ( Ω ) for every p ( 0 , 1 2 λ ) . As special case of this result we show that if...

Convergence to Equilibrium of the Solution of Kac's Kinetic Equation. A Probabilistic View

Eugenio Regazzini (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let f ( , t ) be the probability density function representing the solution of Kac's Boltzmann-like equation at time t , with initial data f 0 , and let g σ be the Gaussian density with zero mean and variance σ 2 , σ 2 being the value of the second moment of f 0 . Henry McKean Jr. put forward the conjecture that the total variation distance between f ( , t ) and g σ goes to zero, as t + , with an exponential rate equal to - 1 / 4 . This lecture aims at explaining the main efforts made to a view to validating this conjecture,...

Some Separation Axioms Via Ideals

D. Sivaraj, V. Renuka Devi (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We introduce a new class of spaces, called Hausdorff modulo or T 2 mod spaces with respect to an ideal which contains the class of all Hausdorff spaces. Characterizations of these spaces are given and their properties are investigated. The concept of compactness modulo an ideal was introduced by Newcomb in 1967 and studied by Hamlett and Jankovic in 1990. We study the properties of -compact subsets in Hausdorff modulo spaces and generalize some results of Hamlett and Jankovic....

On Relative γ k -Sets

Maddalena Bonanzinga, Filippo Cammaroto, Bruno A. Pansera (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this note we show a relative version of γ k -set introduced and studied in [12]. We give several characterizations of this property; in particular one of the characterizations is Ramsey theoretical. Also we give a result involving a property of the corresponding mapping between function spaces.

Geometry of Syzygies via Poncelet Varieties

Giovanna Ilardi, Paola Supino, Jean Vallès (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We consider the Grassmannian 𝔾 r ( k , n ) of ( k + 1 ) -dimensional linear subspaces of V n = H 0 ( 1 , 𝒪 1 ( n ) ) . We define 𝔛 k , r , d as the classifying space of the k -dimensional linear systems of degree n on 1 , whose bases realize a fixed number r of polynomial relations of fixed degree d , say r syzygies of degree d . Firstly, we compute the dimension of 𝔛 k , r , d . In the second part we make a link between 𝔛 k , r , d and the Poncelet varieties. In particular, we prove that the existence of linear syzygies implies the existence of singularities on the...

A Note on Sectorial and R-Sectorial Operators

Alberto Venni (2008)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The following results are proved: (i) if α , β + and A is a sectorial operator, then the set { t α A β ( t + A ) ; t > 0 } is bounded; (ii) the same set of operators is R-bounded if A is R-sectorial.

On the abstract Cauchy problem in the case of constant domains

Paolo Acquistapace, Brunello Terreni (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Si studiano esistenza, unicità e regolarità delle soluzioni strette, classiche e forti u 𝐂 ( [ 0 , T ] , E ) dell'equazione di evoluzione non autonoma u ( t ) - A ( t ) u ( t ) = f ( t ) con il dato iniziale u ( 0 ) = x , in uno spazio di Banach E . Gli operatori A ( t ) sono generatori infinitesimali di semi-gruppi analitici ed hanno dominio indipendente da t e non necessariamente denso in E . Si danno condizioni necessarie e sufficienti per l'esistenza e la regolarità hölderiana della soluzione e della sua derivata.

A Note on -Maps

Zbigniew Duszyński (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Richness of the class of -maps [3] is investigated. Several consequences for the theory of quasi- -closed spaces are indicated.

On the abstract Cauchy problem in the case of constant domains

Paolo Acquistapace, Brunello Terreni (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


Si studiano esistenza, unicità e regolarità delle soluzioni strette, classiche e forti u 𝐂 ( [ 0 , T ] , E ) dell'equazione di evoluzione non autonoma u ( t ) - A ( t ) u ( t ) = f ( t ) con il dato iniziale u ( 0 ) = x , in uno spazio di Banach E . Gli operatori A ( t ) sono generatori infinitesimali di semi-gruppi analitici ed hanno dominio indipendente da t e non necessariamente denso in E . Si danno condizioni necessarie e sufficienti per l'esistenza e la regolarità hölderiana della soluzione e della sua derivata.

Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Lower Order Terms and Symmetrization Methods

Angelo Alvino, Anna Mercaldo (2008)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We consider the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations as - div a ( x , u ) = b ( x , u ) + μ where μ is a measure with bounded total variation. We fix structural conditions on functions a , b which ensure existence of solutions. Moreover, if μ is an L 1 function, we prove a uniqueness result under more restrictive hypotheses on the operator.

Squarefree Lexsegment Ideals with Linear Resolution

Vittoria Bonanzinga, Loredana Sorrenti (2008)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we determine all squarefree completely lexsegment ideals which have a linear resolution. Let M d denote the set of all squarefree monomials of degree d in a polynomial ring k [ x 1 , , x n ] in n variables over a field k . We order the monomials lexicographically such that x 1 > x 2 > > x n , thus a lexsegment (of degree d ) is a subset of M d of the form L ( u , v ) = { w M d : u w v } for some u , v M d con u v . An ideal generated by a lexsegment is called a lexsegment ideal. We describe the procedure to determine when such an ideal has a linear...

A Regular Threefold of General Type with p g = 0 and P 2 = 6

M. Cristina Ronconi (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


The range of the bigenus P 2 is one of the unsolved problems concerning smooth complex projective regular threefolds of general type with p g = 0 : The examples in the literature have P 2 5 . In the present paper we present a non-singular threefold with p g = q 1 = q 2 = 0 ; P 2 = 6 ; the bicanonical map is stably birational.

Limits of minimum problems for general integral functionals with unilateral obstacles

Gianni Dal Maso (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Se il problema di minimo ( 𝒫 ) è il limite, in senso variazionale, di una successione di problemi di minimo con ostacoli del tipo min u ψ h A [ f h ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] 𝑑 x , allora ( 𝒫 ) può essere scritto nella forma min u { A [ f ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] 𝑑 x + A g ( x , u ~ ( x ) ) 𝑑 λ ( x ) } dove u ~ è un conveniente rappresentante di u e λ è una misura non negativa.

Fitting Conditions for Symmetric Algebras of Modules of Finite Projective Dimension

Cristodor Ionescu, Gaetana Restuccia, Rosanna Utano (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let E be a finitely generated R -module, having finite projective dimension. We study the acyclicity of the approximation complex 𝒵 ( E ) of E in terms of certain Fitting conditions F k ( i ) on the Fitting ideals of the i -th module of a projective resolution of E . We deduce some good properties of the symmetric algebra of E .

Adding or removing an element from a pseudo-symmetric numerical semigroup

J. C. Rosales (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


If S is a pseudo-symmetric numerical semigroup, g is its Frobenius number and S is a minimal generator of S , then S { g } , S { g } S and S { 1 2 g , g } are also numerical semigroups. In this paper we study these constructions.

On a recursive formula for the sequence of primes and applications to the twin prime problem

Giovanni Fiorito (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we give a recursive formula for the sequence of primes { p n } and apply it to find a necessary and sufficient condition in order that a prime number p n + 1 is equal to p n + 2 . Applications of previous results are given to evaluate the probability that p n + 1 is of the form p n + 2 ; moreover we prove that the limit of this probability is equal to zero as n goes to . Finally, for every prime p n we construct a sequence whose terms that are in the interval [ p n 2 - 2 , p n + 1 2 - 2 [ are the first terms of two twin primes. This...